Sunday, June 17, 2012

Three Weeks Down, Two to go...

This past week went so much better, then week two. Once this June challenge is over I am going to try to keep the 5 workouts a week, ( will need it for the Tri workouts, along with the Marathon training ) sometimes 4. I also need to work on my eating again. I know how to eat right, it's just about making better choices. Even though I am working out, I have gained five pounds, and that's a lot on shorties!

Today, I practiced swimming in my moms pool. Of course, I have the wrong goggles, lol, and swim attire, but, I am just getting my feet wet; trying this out. The kids also got in the water and played.

After the swim, and dinner, we went on a short family walk.

Today, I worked out for 47 minutes; 20 minutes of continuous swimming and 27 minutes walking.

Workout Challenge #15- Swimming/Walking

Third Week Completed- 5 workout days, 22 miles.